girl with guitar

girl with guitar

Thursday, May 6, 2010

You gotta start somewhere!

There must be some need on this world wide communicator for a discussion about just the right dress to go with just the right guitar? Right. Maybe not, but in case there is, find a need and fill it! Maybe it's because I am a victim of the California Lay Off syndrome that I have far too much time on my hands...but it seemed like a good idea tonight to start this blog.
I have some nice guitars that, I have promised myself, will never be posted on ebay, No Matter What. I have some pretty dresses I have collected amongst a closet of incompatibles (I have only lately learned how to style my stuff from lovely internet bloggers.) I have some interesting teddy bears who keep me company...and I play with lotsa boys in bands...
I would love to hear from others out here who have a penchant for interesting guitars and/or quirky dresses. Ukeleles and Banjos too, and amplifiers and guitar effects, and shoes and skirts and jeans and cowboy shirts, any combination of the above and beyond. I really do need a job! ;o)


  1. OMG.....The world has been waiting for this!!
    I'm glad I found you Vikki.
    What are you wearing?
    What kind of guitar is that?
    I just love that dress!!

  2. Hi! Thanks for being my first! ;o)
    This is a Stop Staring dress from quite a few years back. I picked it up in their lovely showroom in Los Angeles.
    The guitar is my fav, it's a Music Man Albert Lee model!
